Sebastian Sidi: Local man gives “Garage Band” a whole new meaning.

One of the world’s most incredible musical talents is your Neighbor and we got the opportunity to interview him in his home! 

From the outside, it’s a normal Southern California home on a quiet cul-de-sac. Our host, Sebastian, greets us at the door. “My wife is still working in the other room”, Sebastian tells us, as he waits for his coffee to finish brewing in the family’s kitchen and we are immediately shuttled into Sebastian’s three-car garage. 

It’s clear the second you step through the door that this is no ordinary garage. Sebastian quickly joins us for the interview, freshly brewed cup of joe in hand, with The Hidden Vine’s Porsché Mysticque.

Porsché and Sebastian are seated comfortably in two lush orange chairs parked in front of several stationary and one automatic track-driven camera that is slowly dollying left and right as it records the interview. Sebastian jumps up to adjust the cameras and monitors then sits back down. A couple of people in the background need to shift positions. The cameras are picking them up. Sound checks are complete. And we’re rolling.

THV: Thank you for inviting me to this awesome space! We are in Sebastian’s studio, the founder of Sebaz Video Productions.

“Well, first of all, we are not in a studio,” Sebastian shares with the audience. “This is my three-car garage. In case you didn’t put that together yourself.”

In fact, we had, but that didn’t make it any less impressive. 

We are in a fully functional video and audio studio, complete with a green screen wall, concert-style lighting and sound, ceiling-to-floor black curtains, camera dolly tracks, microphone stands, control boards, a full-size piano, and more than a few candles. A very professional and clean space. Really impressive!

THV: We’re going to get into all of that background…but first I want you to appropriately introduce yourself!

Sebastian Sidi: I am the owner of Sebaz Productions, Incorporated. Just incorporated this past year, actually.

THV: Congratulations!

“I’ve been having a great time the last eight years just building my business, and just growing and learning and connecting with the community,” Sebastian continues. 

“I was a musician before I was a full-time videographer…I started doing music videos. When I moved out to Temecula, I started doing short promos for different businesses, events, ribbon cuttings, and one thing led to another.”

In fact, Sebastian estimates that about 70% of his business is doing work for local cities: Temecula, Menifee, Eastvale, Norco, and Agora Hills to name just a few. 

“I get to see and learn so many different things from so many different cities,” Sebastian shares. 

There’s a sparkle in his eye as he gives a genuine smile. 

He likes and appreciates the city leaders’ desire to connect with the community. 

“The way they operate and the way they work to bring their communities together.”

In researching Sebastian Sidi, we were awestruck by the musical prowess of this talented entrepreneur. 

A YouTube search of Sebastian Sidi brought up a list of TV interviews, live keyboard performances, and impressive original music that shows a depth of talent very few artists possess. 

He was on morning talk shows, Spanish television interviews, and playing in front of live audiences. He even did PBS specials. 

“I was part of three PBS specials, where I have…cameras all over, flying around filming me perform,” Sebastian tells us beaming with pride. 

But despite his astounding and successful musical prowess, he walked away. But not even a hint of regret was shown in Sebastian’s eyes. It’s clear he loves what he’s doing now.

“I gave up a musical career. I had a really good career, and I gave it up on purpose.”

But still, it begs the question, why video production?

Even though I was doing well [in music] I knew that it wasn’t something I wanted to do ten years from that moment. So, I wanted to transition over…I had to find something else artistic, okay?” 

As it turns out Sebastian really liked the lights and cameras. 

“I was pretty intrigued by all the cameras…I found myself at moments where I was more excited about all the cameras around me than actually being…on it.”

Sebastian found his way into video editing after performing on one of his PBS specials and watching the video editor he had hired. “I hired a crew to do it, and the gentleman that came over with his laptop to edit my concert was editing really slow.” 

Sebastian was fascinated. 

“Hey…can I try some of these edits?” 

He asked the guy if he could leave his laptop so Sebastian could practice editing. He finished editing his concert that night.  

“I realized that…I had a niche for it…this is what I’m going to be doing. And I love it because I can still be creative!”

THV: So, let’s talk about the transition. You talked about how you were in music. What was it like, why you got into it, and then, of course, leading up to the transition.

Sebastian started playing drums at age 13 and joined a few rock bands. 

“I wasn’t really hearing the music that I wanted to play…” Sebastian recalls, “…and when I was about 16 years old…a little kid left his keyboard at one of our New Year’s parties. And I started kind of playing around…coming up with these little melodies…just melodies that were in my head…”

Sebastian’s eyes lit up. “I started showing the guitar player of the band ‘Hey, can you do this?’ He started playing the guitar to what I would compose on the piano.” 

Sebastian continued “…and before I knew it, I was composing songs.”

Then Sebastian shares a fact that few might have never guessed: 

“I don’t read music, so it’s all in my head.” While that might seem shocking to some, it’s a gift shared by many famous musicians and composers. Jimi Hendrix, Taylor Swift, and Bob Dylan are or were among many prominent artists who can’t read or write music. 

Sebastian’s in good company.

Sebastian found himself getting requests and performing at every outdoor venue in Southern California. And he was working steady. “I was drawing crowds, and I was selling CDs all day long. So, I was making like $1,000 a day, $1,500 a day…I was having the time of my life and in my 20’s, right? But I knew that…the time came where I had to say ‘okay, let’s plan for something else here, because this, I can’t do this too much longer.”

“But you’re still playing, right? We know that you still perform…” Porsché clarifies. “What does that look like for you?”

Although Sebastian transitioned out of a full-time music career, he continues to perform. His video production business helps finance and promote his concerts. 

“Even though I’m not a full-time musician anymore, I still perform occasionally. It’s something that will always be a part of me.”

In fact, Sebastian Sidi will be performing on September 7th, 2024 at 8pm at The Corporate Room Event & Meeting Center in Wildomar. With special guests, guitarist Kevin Zingale, saxophonist Jason Weber, and a special comedy performance by Karen Robertson. 

General admission and VIP tickets may be purchased online at 

Sebastian owes much of his success to the networking he’s been a participant in for some time. He founded a successful monthly networking mixer in Temecula. 

“The networking mixer started out of my garage. Just a small gathering of like-minded people.” Now it has grown to be one of the largest non-chamber affiliated mixers in the Temecula Valley. Sebastian has more networking opportunities ahead. 

“I’m looking forward to the Neighbor’s Business Expo in October. Last year’s event was a huge success, and this year we’re planning to make it even bigger!”

Sebastian has also become involved in TEDxTemecula, collaborating with Jonathan Montanez, who was selected as the new organizer of TEDxTemecula. 

“I’m really excited about working with Jonathan on TEDxTemecula,” adding that he’s excited about the process of selecting the TEDx speakers. 

“It’s such a prestigious event, and I’m handling all the video production and helping with the event flow.”

As the interview wrapped, one could feel the proverbial rising of the tide that lifts all ships. 

“It’s been amazing to see the visibility of my business grow in Temecula. People recognize the work we do, and that’s really gratifying.” 

In closing, the talented artist adds with a smile, “At the end of the day, it’s all about community and relationships. That’s what keeps me motivated and excited to keep pushing forward.”

Connect with Sebastian on Facebook @sebastian.sidi or visit his website at

Watch Sebastian’s interview here: 

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