Former teacher focuses his educational experience in the real estate market.

David Michael Casey doesn’t consider himself to be simply a real estate consultant, and after our interview with him, neither do we. 

David, or DM as most people call him, spoke to the Hidden Vine about why he left a career in education to build his own successful business as a real estate executive in the Temecula Valley. 


“It’s a relationship,” DM shares with us as we sat in the rather empty coffee shop at Vail Headquarters.

“I would say that the relationship […] pretty much starts on building that foundational trust and getting to know each other [to] see if you’re going to be a good fit.” He sat back in his chair slowly and gave a soft smile. His gentle demeanor seemed to punctuate his humility.

“I definitely view myself more as a consultant, rather than just like a blanket real estate agent,” he clarified.  He explained the importance of helping his clients achieve a specific goal that works for them.

DM keeps his client list light, working with only a handful of clients at a time, and his educational background provides the perfect platform for instructing prospective clients on the complexities of the Temecula real estate market.

DM graduated from Cal State San Marcos with an undergraduate degree in biological studies. From there he went on to the University of Redlands where he received his master’s degree in education. For DM and his family, things got really busy, really fast. 

“I started teaching,” he reminisced. “I taught everything from sixth grade to seniors in high school, from general science to agricultural biology, aquaponics, horticulture, FFA…” his voice trailed off as he took a sip of his iced coffee.

As if that didn’t keep DM busy enough, he also coached soccer after school. 

“I enjoyed it. It was a fun time in my life that I look back on, being able to teach students and being able to be influential in their lives,” he explained.

But as often happens, the grueling schedule of being a teacher and a coach took its toll on him and the whole family. 

“I’d wake up at 5:30 super early, get to school, have to work all day, take more meetings, run a department meeting, then soccer practice. Then I get on the bus, get off the bus, and am home at 7 or 8:30, wake up the next day, and figure it out again.”

Jumping from public education into real estate sounds like it was quite a hurtle. But there was really one thing that DM had on his mind when he made the final decision. 

“Definitely my family. is number one.” 

And given what he intended to achieve leaving teaching and venturing into real estate, it was a big step indeed. 

“I decided to take a leap of faith and be full-time,” he said with raised eyebrows indicating he must have known how crazy that sounded.

Luckily, his wife, who was also a former educator and experienced the same high-demand, low-result nature of public schools, was all on board. Armed with faith and a solid foundation for their two small children, DM and his wife embarked on their journey to become the most authentic and overall best Temecula realtor. 

“When I left public school, I told myself that I really would always do what’s in the best interest of my clients, and that I would help anyone who needed help in any way that I can.”

And indeed he has. In just 3 years, DM has helped numerous families find peace of mind and freedom through buying, selling, or renting properties. 

DM Casey is the Temecula Partner for Mint Real Estate and he loves doing what he does best; helping people and giving advice, consultation, and more importantly, education on what he believes is in the best interest of his clients. Whether it’s to teach you how to sell your home, how to buy a home, or how to get creative in a way that benefits you and your family, DM is the guy to do so.

Once a teacher, always a teacher.

To connect with DM, call/text him at (951) 956-1402 or shoot him an email at [email protected]

You can also check him out at or follow him on Instagram at @dmcaseyhomes_temecula

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